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“My crown is called content,
a crown that seldom kings enjoy”

William Shakespare


When you know what you need to say, you know how you need to say it.  


Before challenging a creative team to begin designing, I develop the brand voice needed for communications and carefully weave this voice into initial marketing copy.  In orthopaedics, I have found the content of a marketing piece must come across as sophisticated, informative and innovative.  Taking this direction with marketing copy, I am able to work with the creative team to build relevant visual elements that appeal to the industry audience. An example of this work entails a headline I developed for our latest knee's ad: "Discover nature at work." This headline - which came about after testing various ones among our glboal surgeon audience - allowed us to create designs that focused on the core of our message, ligament preservation.  

"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous"

Bill Moyers

When we are given crayons, we all feel a little creative.  


Have you ever watched a child color?  Their eyes are wide with excitement and you can see the wheels turning in their head as they concentrate on their masterpiece.  Recently in orthopaedics, I was challenged with building a brand for a new knee implant product launch while simultaneously reinvigorating our company's current knee portfolio's brand.  So, I  grabbed my version of crayons and focused my attention on what we were saying about our products.  The words, "design hertiage" and "performance" appeared a lot in our collateral, so I took what we were saying, modified our messaging to resound more eloquently than it previously did, and worked on the branding direction for our new knee product's launch as well as our current portfolio.  The results?  A renergized sales force enabled the company to beat the market average by two percent selling ten and five year old products.  

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